This image depicts the Buddha sitting in the middle as central image, holding his hand in the bhumisparsha mudra, above him the bodhi tree, flanked by two bodhisattvas. The central image is surrounded by seven smaller depictions. On the right side…
Tsa tsa showing the eight commemorative stūpas.The upper row of the tsa tsa displays from left to right the miracle of multiplication, the englightenment, the birth and the taming of the elephant Nalagiri. The lower four show the gift of honey, the…
The thang ka shows the depiction of the eight great events of the Buddha's life. The central image displays the Buddha sitting in meditation, holding his hands in the bhumisparshamudra. It is surrounded by seven smaller images with the other seven…
The tsa tsa displays a central Buddha image, showing him sitting in meditation and holding his hands in the bhumisparsha mudra. He is surrounded by eight types of stūpas. Each one representing one of the eight great events in the Buddha's life.…
The central scene of this plaque depicts the Buddha's englightenment. Surrounding the central image on this plaque are depictions of the other seven events from the Buddha's life (clockwise from lower left): the birth of the Buddha; his first sermon;…
The central image displays the Buddha touching the earth at the moment of his enlightenment under the Bodhi tree. Surrounding him are the other seven scenes of his life. From the lower left, the Buddha's birth. Next is the Buddha’s first sermon,…